We are recruiting! And, we

would love to connect with you!

Interested in Greek Life? Looking for sisterhood?  

Did you miss out on Primary Recruitment? Looking 
for sisterhood? Ours has never been stronger

Please stay tuned for our upcoming events this

coming Spring 2024!

If you are interested, please let us know!

Share your contact info. by clicking the pink box:

Future events will be forthcoming....  

We are looking forward to meeting you! 

​​​​Here are some helpful tips as you go through the Recruitment process...

Get to know people: Recruitment is a fantastic opportunity to meet other girls of all different hometowns, backgrounds, and even years in school. The friends you meet during Recruitment could end up sticking for life.

Keep an open mind: Regardless of anything you've heard about particular chapters or the Greek system as a whole, come in with an unbiased and positive outlook.

Ask questions: Get to know what Greek membership can add to your college experience.

Have fun and RELAX: Recruitment activities are planned as a way for you to get to know the personalities of the chapters in a relaxed setting, and for us to get to know you. We all want you to have fun!

Be yourself: This is the most important. We love you for being you. Stay true to yourself and let your personality shine through for us to see!!!

​​Interested in learning more about Fall Recruitment opportunities, or just have questions in general?  Please contact our Recruitment Chair, Bella Kern, at:  (209) 410-2930 or mrcthetachi1913@gmail.com. 

To learn more about Sac State's Panhellenic community, go here.

Interested In Going Greek?

Still have Questions?

Helpful tips for Recruitment